Live Action
Live Action
Live Action
Live Action
Project Description
Project Description
Project Description
Project Description

Migrants are forced to leave their homes when life itself is at stake, abandoning everything they hold dear—family, friends, work, and studies. Once they step across that threshold, there is no return. They enter a world where they become invisible, unwelcome, and numb to their surroundings. Amidst these harrowing journeys, the IFRC has established Humanitarian Service Points—small yet agile units designed to offer essential, life-saving services to those in desperate need. Through these efforts, the IFRC strives to bring hope and support to those who have been rendered voiceless and unseen.

Migrants are forced to leave their homes when life itself is at stake, abandoning everything they hold dear—family, friends, work, and studies. Once they step across that threshold, there is no return. They enter a world where they become invisible, unwelcome, and numb to their surroundings. Amidst these harrowing journeys, the IFRC has established Humanitarian Service Points—small yet agile units designed to offer essential, life-saving services to those in desperate need. Through these efforts, the IFRC strives to bring hope and support to those who have been rendered voiceless and unseen.

Migrants are forced to leave their homes when life itself is at stake, abandoning everything they hold dear—family, friends, work, and studies. Once they step across that threshold, there is no return. They enter a world where they become invisible, unwelcome, and numb to their surroundings. Amidst these harrowing journeys, the IFRC has established Humanitarian Service Points—small yet agile units designed to offer essential, life-saving services to those in desperate need. Through these efforts, the IFRC strives to bring hope and support to those who have been rendered voiceless and unseen.

Migrants are forced to leave their homes when life itself is at stake, abandoning everything they hold dear—family, friends, work, and studies. Once they step across that threshold, there is no return. They enter a world where they become invisible, unwelcome, and numb to their surroundings. Amidst these harrowing journeys, the IFRC has established Humanitarian Service Points—small yet agile units designed to offer essential, life-saving services to those in desperate need. Through these efforts, the IFRC strives to bring hope and support to those who have been rendered voiceless and unseen.





Direction, Editing, VFX

Direction, Editing, VFX

Direction, Editing, VFX

Direction, Editing, VFX





Global Humanitarian Campaign

Global Humanitarian Campaign

Global Humanitarian Campaign

Global Humanitarian Campaign

The Why

The campaign underscores the profound impact of even the simplest acts of humanity in saving lives. The needs of migrants extend beyond just food and water; sometimes, a conversation, being recognized as a human, or making a simple phone call home can be equally vital. Through this narrative, we aim to convey the multifaceted nature of the hardships migrants face and the essential support provided by the IFRC's Humanitarian Service Points.

The How

To visually express the isolation and invisibility experienced by migrants, we filmed everything inside a black box studio, creating a sense of void and total isolation. This stark environment symbolizes their disconnection from reality and the world they left behind. It is only when the migrants encounter a Humanitarian Service Point that they begin to regain their senses and reconnect with reality, emphasizing the transformative impact of these essential services.

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