Live Action
Live Action
Live Action
Live Action
La Boucle
La Boucle
La Boucle
Project Description
Project Description
Project Description
Project Description

"The Loop" unveils a haunting portrayal of an enduring cycle silently ensnaring young girls in Eastern European nations, who find themselves trapped and trafficked into the dark underbelly of Western European prostitution networks.

"The Loop" unveils a haunting portrayal of an enduring cycle silently ensnaring young girls in Eastern European nations, who find themselves trapped and trafficked into the dark underbelly of Western European prostitution networks.

"The Loop" unveils a haunting portrayal of an enduring cycle silently ensnaring young girls in Eastern European nations, who find themselves trapped and trafficked into the dark underbelly of Western European prostitution networks.

"The Loop" unveils a haunting portrayal of an enduring cycle silently ensnaring young girls in Eastern European nations, who find themselves trapped and trafficked into the dark underbelly of Western European prostitution networks.





Direction, Editing, Coloring

Direction, Editing, Coloring

Direction, Editing, Coloring

Direction, Editing, Coloring





Campaign Hero Film

Campaign Hero Film

Campaign Hero Film

Campaign Hero Film

Understanding the “Why”

As the narrative unfolds, we bear witness to the harrowing drama, where innocence is stolen and lives are shattered, all against the backdrop of a clientele complicit or oblivious to the human cost of their desires.

A peak behind the “How”

Through a raw and unflinching lens, "The Loop" confronts viewers with the stark realities of exploitation and complicity, compelling us to confront the uncomfortable truths lurking beneath the surface of our society.

Confronted with logistical constraints, our creative approach blended meticulous scouting and strategic framing to imbue every frame with the authentic essence of Eastern Europe, all from the confines of Brussels, Belgium.

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